Secrets of Success on YouTube
4 min readOct 7, 2020
Some people say success requires all hard work, whereas others tell you a shortcut. But I can challenge both are wrong, and here is why, especially if you want to become successful on YouTube.
Hi! My name is Hussain Gillani. I have been working as a scriptwriter for YouTube. In this short time, I worked with all kinds of YouTubers from beginner to great content creators (Lord Gizmo, Celeb Lounge, 3D Comedy cricket ). Proudly I can say two channels get monetize only because of me, and now they are earning a fair amount of money.
So what actually matters the most on YouTube.
Don’ts matters more than do’s Beginners and even senior YouTubers, whenever they start doing unnecessary things, outcomes get awkward. Let’sLet’s start first, don’t, which is also the secret.
Secret#01: Don’tDon’t jump into the competition
An excellent YouTuber knows he or she will not compete here; he/she is going to rule here. That’sThat’s the vision; it saves a lot of time and energy. Then you only start working for your own community.